B2B Wholesale Plugin for WooCommerce Documentation

Wholesale Product & Price Visibility

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Product Visibility – General Settings

Control who can see which products in your store is really important once you start selling products to wholesale customers.

  • Restrict Product Visibility: Enable this option to control the visibility of your products. Hide non-wholesale products from wholesale customers. Retail price products will be hidden from wholesale customers when they are logged in as wholesalers.
  • Add to Cart Minimum Quantity: Enforce the minimum quantity requirement on products, let wholesaler add to cart minimum quantity as defined by admin. Enable for wholesale prices to be applied when the minimum quantity is added to cart. Give minimum quantity value from wholesale pricing section.


Individual Product Visibility

Set product visibility for individual products on single and multiple wholesale role levels. You can also set the product visibility on simple and variable products.

Product Visibility option field for both simple and variable products can be found in the Wholesale Tab.

Go to WooCommerce Products ???? Add or Edit a product.

How-to-steps – Configure product visibility for single user role

  1. Select Simple or Variable product from product data.
  2. Go to the Wholesale tab.
  3. Enable the Product Visibility option to hide this particular product from this wholesaler role.
  4. Product Visibility Checkbox option for both simple and variable products will be found in the Wholesale Tab.
  5. Update product.

Simple Product settings

Variable Product settings

How-to-steps – Configure product visibility for multi-user role

  1. Go to the Wholesale tab.
  2. Select Wholesale Role from product visibility field to hide this particular product from this wholesale role.
  3. Update product.

Simple Product settings

Variable Product settings

Enable/Disable product visibility for a product category

Setting product visibility to product categories will apply the settings to all products that are associated with that particular category. You can choose different categories for different wholesale roles.

Go to WooCommerce Products ???? Categories.

How-to-steps – Configure product visibility for single user role

  1. Add or Edit a Category.
  2. Enable the Product visibility option to hide this category product from the wholesale users.
  3. Add or Update Category.

How-to-steps – Configure product visibility for multi-user role

  1. Add or Edit a Category.
  2. Select Wholesale user role from Product visibility field to hide this category product from selected wholesale roles.
  3. Add or Update Category.

Hide Wholesale Products from non-wholesale/retail users & visitors

This feature allows you to hide all wholesale products from non-logged-in users and guests from the shop page. Enabling the “Hide Wholesale Products” option in Wholesale > Settings will automatically hide all wholesale products.

You can apply wholesale prices on Global, Product-based, or Category-based types and then enable the “Hide wholesale products” option from Wholesale > Settings.

How-to-steps – Hide wholesale products from non-wholesale/retail users & visitors

  1. Go to Wholesale > Settings
  2. Go to the Product Visibility tab
  3. Enable the “Restrict wholesale products globally from non-wholesaler customers” option
  4. Click on Save changes
  5. To test login with non-wholesalers and visitors

Front-End View:

Hide Wholesale or Retail products from customers

Hide products from customer roles whether the products are for wholesalers or non-wholesalers. If you don’t want to show any particular product to customers, you can hide the product from product settings. Once you enable this option, the product will no longer be for the customer’s role and customers will not be able to see the product.

For this, you need to go products > settings > wholesale tab then enable hide product option.

How-to-steps – Hide Wholesale or Retail products from customers

  1. Go to Products > All products
  2. Select any product then go to the wholesale tab
  3. Check on the “Hide this product for customer” option

Front-End View:

**Note* This feature works only for WordPress customer roles, and not for Subscriber, Editor, or Author roles unless you change the New User Default Role to Customers from General > Settings.

Hide Price Labels (Retail and Save price) from wholesale customers

This feature allows you to hide “Retail and save Price” labels from Wholesale customers. This is the best solution for store owners who do not want to display retail prices on wholesale products.

Store owners who do not want to show retail and save prices can click on the “hide price labels” option from Wholesale > Settings. This will hide “Retail and Save” price labels from the shop and product page.

How-to-steps – Hide price labels

  1. Go to Wholesale > Settings
  2. Click on the Labels tab
  3. Click on the “Label Hide” check box
  4. Click on Save changes

Front-End View

Hide Wholesale or Retail products from visitors

This feature allows you to hide products from guest users and visitors. If you do not want to show products to visitors, you can hide product(s) from product settings. Once you enable this option, the product will no longer be shown to visitors.

How-to-steps – Hide products from visitors

  1. Go to Products > All products
  2. Select any product then go to the wholesale tab
  3. Check on the “Hide this product for visitor” option
  4. To test visit your store without a login

Front-End View

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