Wholesale User Roles

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Single Wholesale Role

The single wholesale user role option allows you to create wholesale prices based on products so every user is offered the same level of discount.

Multiple Wholesale Role

Multiple wholesale roles is an advanced wholesale pricing option that allows you to create wholesale prices based on multiple user roles.

You can create pricing strategies based on different price levels and wholesale user roles, for instance, 20% discount for User A and 30% discount for User B on the same product.

Different levels of wholesale user roles allows users to level up to get better pricing options and benefits. This option also helps define different minimum quantity requirements for each role.

Default Multi-Wholesale Role

You can create a default role (multi-role option) so when a new user requests to register as a wholesaler, they will be registered at the default wholesale level.

For example, There are three wholesale user role levels (Level A, Level B & Level C) and the default option is set to Level A. All users registering as a wholesaler will be assigned to Level A. You can manually change the role levels when approving requests from the back-end.

How to add new wholesale user roles

You can add multiple wholesale user roles each with its own individual settings. By adding multiple wholesaler roles, you can offer different levels of discounts to different roles.

For example, 20% discount for Role A and 25% discount for Role B. This will make your process easier and smoother if you are selling in multiple places.

How-to-steps – Creating a new user role

  1. Navigate to the Wholesale dropdown ???? Click on User Roles.
  2. Enter a Name for your Wholesaler Role (Example: StandardPremium & Platinum.)
  3. Enter a slug. (the “slug” refers to the part of a web page’s address that appears after the domain name.)
  4. Enter the description for that particular role. (Example: standard is basic and will provide a 20% discount to the user)

Note: Do not use special characters in the Wholesale Name field. (example: Wholesale 20 %, Wholesale @ B).

How to add a customer upgrade request option

You can add the option for retail users to become a wholesaler by requesting the admin. You can write a custom text that is displayed on the upgrade tab. You can enable the following options for this tab:

  • Upgrade Tab: This tab will be visible to non-wholesale users on their WooCommerce My Account Page. Users can fill out the form to submit the request for the wholesaler role. The request will be approved by the admin.
  • Resubmit Request: This option allows the user to re-submit their request for the wholesaler role when their application is rejected the first time.

Front-end screenshot

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