Wholesale Registration Form

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Default & Custom Fields

Go to Wholesale ???? Registration > Default Fields tab.

You can enable disable form fields to display at the front-end with the help of the shortcode [wwp_registration_form].

Just copy the shortcode and place it on any page to display the wholesale registration form for users to submit their requests. To disable the whole section just turn off the toggle, for individual fields checkmark each option available. Also, change the label of the fields.

Default form fields or billing address field

You can select which field to show or hide as per your requirement:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Company
  • Address Line 1
  • Address Line 2
  • City
  • Postcode/zip
  • Countries
  • States
  • Phone

Shipping Address Fields

  • Shipping First Name
  • Shipping Last Name
  • Company
  • Address Line 1
  • Address Line 2
  • City
  • Postcode/zip
  • Countries
  • States

Custom Fields

  • Tax ID
  • File Upload
  • Custom field 1
  • Custom field 2
  • Custom field 3
  • Custom field 4
  • Custom Text Area
  • Display Tax ID in billing address (enable this option to display tax id in billing address in Woocommerce orders).

Front-end Tax ID


  1. Go to Pages ???? Add new or Edit.
  2. Place the shortcode [wwp_registration_form].Publish / update.

Advanced Form Builder

Advanced Form Builder allows you to add extra fields to the registration form. You can customize your registration form by adding various fields including Text Field, Text Area, Select, Checkbox, Date e.t.c.

You can display Form Builder fields on the My-account page and Checkout page along with the registration form.

Once a user registers with customizable fields, the data is stored in their respective user profile.

**Note* Only one form can be used for the Registration, Checkout, and My-account page.

How-to-steps – Configure advanced form builder settings

  1. Go to Wholesale > Registration Settings
  2. Click on the Extra Fields tab
  3. Enable tabs as per your requirements
  4. Drag and drop the fields, edit as per your requirement, and display them on the front-end

Backend Form Builder View

Front-End View of Form Builder in Registration page

Form Builder on the Checkout page

You can use Form Builder on the Checkout page which will allow wholesale customers to submit their orders with extra data. After the order is placed, the data will be stored in WooCommerce > Orders, so the admin can view all data in orders.

  • You just need to enable the tab from General > Settings, see the above screenshot to enable Form Builder on the Checkout page

Front-End View of Form Builder on my-account page

Front-End View of Form Builder data in Orders

Form Builder on the My-Account page

The purpose of Form Builder on the My-Account page is to allow customers to submit their forms with extra fields or data. Customers with rejected requests can also submit their forms again through the upgrade account tab.

Approve/deny user requests

All registration requests will drop in the request section. The admin has the ability to accept requests both manually and automatically.

When the auto-approval option is disabled, the admin can approve or reject the requests manually. Admin can also assign a wholesaler role to the customer while their request is pending, although this option will only appear when multiple pricing option is enabled.

For User Requests: Go to Wholesale ???? Requests.

You can even add a rejection note for the user stating why the request is being rejected.

When you’re assigning a wholesale user role to a user request, you will be able to see multi-role settings BUT only if the multi pricing option is enabled from the general settings.

How-to-steps – Change user request status

Select Approve request and Update settings.

Or you can reject the request with a rejection note and update settings.

Email notifications

You can set up email notifications for your users as well as the admin. Admin will get notified via Email when a new registration request is made. Users will get notified when their request is approved and rejected.

How-to-steps – Notification settings for admin

For Admin (this email will be sent to admin when a new user gets registered as a wholesaler).

  1. Go to Wholesale ???? Notifications ???? New Request.
  2. Enter Email subject.
  3. Enter Tags and messages to be sent to admin.

How-to-steps – Notification settings for user registration

User Registration (this email will be sent to the user when registered as a wholesaler).

  1. Enable Notification.
  2. Enter Subject.
  3. Enter tags and message that will be sent.

How-to-steps – Notification settings for user request approval

For User Request Approval (this email will be sent to the user after the wholesale registration request is approved by the admin).

  1. Enable Notification.
  2. Enter Subject.
  3. Enter tags and message to be sent.

How-to-steps – Notification settings for user request rejection

For User Request Rejection (this email will be sent to the user after the wholesale registration is rejected by the admin).

  1. Enable Notification.
  2. Enter Subject.
  3. Enter tags and message to be sent.

Page redirection on specific products/pages

Send users to the custom page and on specific products after successful user registration, you can select a specific page and specific products from the drop-down menu, all the pages and products will be displayed in the drop menu once the customer register successfully he/she lands on the specific page or specific product.

How-to-steps – set up page user registration page redirection

  1. Go to Wholesale > Settings
  2. Select page and product from the drop-down menu
  3. Save Changes

Overriding WooCommerce’s default registration page on my-account page

This feature allows you to override WooCommerce’s default registration form on your my-account page with the advanced wholesale registration form.

This action will enable any guest user to register as a wholesaler on your website’s my-account page directly.

How-to-steps – Overriding WooCommerce’s default registration page

  1. Go to Wholesale > Settings
  2. Go to the Login Restrictions tab
  3. Click on the checkbox to enable “Override registration form on the my-account page”
  4. To test go to the front-end (my-account page)

Front-End view

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Wholesale Registration Form

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