Notification Options

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Success message after quote request

  • This option allows the Administrator to set the text for when the Quote has been successfully sent.
  • This text would appear when the Quote is sent successfully.
  • Set the text according to our requirements.

  • Click on the Save Changes button.

Front-End Screenshots

  • Go to the website and create a quote against that product by clicking the Add to Quote button.
  • Now go to the Quote List Page.
  • Click on the Send Quote button.

  • Once the Quote is sent successfully, the notification text will appear.

Error message on quote request

  • This option allows the Administrator to set the text for when the user gets an error in the  Email Quote.
  • This text would appear when the Quote has an error.
  • Set the text according to our requirements.

  • Click on the Save Changes button.

Error message on wrong email input

  • This option allows the Administrator to set the text for when they will insert the email address in the email send section.
  • This text would appear when the user enters an invalid email, or the email address format would be invalid.
  • Set the text according to our requirements.

  • Click on the Save Changes button.

Front-End Screenshots

Enable add-to-quote redirection

  1. Enabling this option allows you to redirect customers after successfully adding products to quote.
  2. You can also add the URL of the page for redirection.

Front-End Screenshots

  • Go to the website.
  • Click on the Add to Quote button on the Shop page against any product or the Single Product page.

Enable send quote redirection

Enabling this option allows you to redirect customers after successfully sending quotes.

Add send quote redirection URL

In this option, enter the URL of the respective page, which would be redirected whenever the Send Quote button operation is successful.

Front-End Screenshots

  • Go to the website.
  • Click on the Send Quote button on the Shop page against any product or the Single Product page.

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