Email Options

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Set Admin Email

  • Add the admin email to which you want to receive quotes.
  • If the Admin email text field is blank, the quote email goes to the default Administrator Email.
  • Click on the Save Changes button.

Customize admin email notification template (New request)

  • Enabling this option allows the Administrator to receive a notification whenever a new quote request is received.
  • Set the Subject of the New Quote Request email.
  • Set the Message of the New Quote Request email.

  • Click on the Save Changes button.

Front-End Screenshots

  • The customer will go to the website.
  • The customer will click on the Add to Quote button on the Shop page against any product or the Single Product page.
  • Now the customer will be redirected to the Quote List Page.
  • The customer will click on the Send Quote button.

Customize customer email notification template (New request)

  • Enabling this option allows the Customer to receive a notification whenever a new quote request is received.
  • Set the Subject of the New Quote Request email.
  • Set the Message of the New Quote Request email.

  • Click on the Save Changes button.

Front-End Screenshots

  • The customer will go to the website.
  • The customer will click on the Add to Quote button on the Shop page against any product or the Single Product page.
  • Now the customer will be redirected to the Quote List Page.
  • The customer will click on the Send Quote button.

  • Once done, the Customer will receive a New Quote Request via email.

Customize customer email notification template (Pending request)

  • Enabling this option allows the Customer to receive a pending quote request notification message.
  • Set the Subject of the New Quote Request email.
  • Set the Message of the New Quote Request email.
  • This option allows the Customer to receive a notification whenever a new quote request is received when the toggle button is enabled.

  • Enable the Show Link Accept & Checkout toggle button. This option allows the Customer to either Accept & Checkout or Reject the quote from the email.

  • Click on the Save Changes button.

Front-End Screenshots

  • Once the Administrator receives the quote from the Customer, the Administrator would go to WordPress Admin Dashboard → WC Quote → All Quotes.

  • Now the Administrator is on the Quotes Page.
  • All the Quotes are present on this page.
  • Hover over the quote to view suboptions.
  • Click on the Edit suboptions.

  • Now you’re on the Edit Quote page.

  • On the Edit Quote page, go to the Quote Actions page and change the Status to Quoted.
  • Click on the Save button.

  • Click on the Save button.
  • The quote status is now Pending.
  • The customer will receive the quote via email.

  • The Customer will Accept & Checkout or Reject the Quote via the link present on the quote.

Customize admin email notification template (Request accepted)

  • Enabling this option allows the Administrator to receive a notification whenever a quote request is accepted.
  • Set the Subject of the New Quote Request email.
  • Set the Message of the New Quote Request email.

  • Click on the Save Changes button.

Front-End Screenshots

  • The customer will click on the Accept & Checkout link present on the quote.

  • It will send an email to the Administrator of the Accepted Quote Request.

NOTE: On the Edit Quote page, If the Administrator manually changes the quote status to Accepted, the same email will be generated to the Administrator.

Customize customer email notification template (Request accepted)

  • Enabling this option allows the Customer to receive a notification when a quote request is accepted.
  • Set the Subject of the New Quote Request email.
  • Set the Message of the New Quote Request email.

  • Click on the Save Changes button.

Front-End Screenshots

  • The customer will click on the Accept & Checkout link present on the quote.

  • It will send an email to the Customer of the Accepted Quote Request.

NOTE: On the Edit Quote page, If the Administrator manually changes the quote status to Accepted, the same email will be generated to the Customer.

Customize admin email notification template (Request rejected)

  • Enabling this option allows the Administrator to receive a notification whenever a quote request is rejected by the customer.
  • Set the Subject of the New Quote Request email.
  • Set the Message of the New Quote Request email.

  • Click on the Save Changes button.

Front-End Screenshots

  • The customer will click on the Reject link present on the quote.

  • It will send an email to the Administrator of the Rejected Quote Request.

NOTE: On the Edit Quote page, If the Administrator manually changes the quote status to Rejected, the same email will be generated to the Administrator.

Customize customer email notification template (Request rejected)

  • Enabling this option allows the Customer to receive a notification whenever a quote request is rejected by the admin.
  • Set the Subject of the New Quote Request email.
  • Set the Message of the New Quote Request email.

  • Click on the Save Changes button.

Front-End Screenshots

  • The customer will click on the Reject link present on the quote.

  • It will send an email to the Customer of the Rejected Quote Request.

NOTE: On the Edit Quote page, If the Administrator manually changes the quote status to Rejected, the same email will be generated to the Customer.

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