Private Store for WooCommerce

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How to set up a private wholesale store

This feature allows the site visitors (Guest users) to enter wholesale stores through a protected password provided by the admin to check how the wholesale store works, only those users can access wholesale stores from my-account page who have protected password.

Admin can set a protected password to Individual wholesale roles from Wholesale > User Roles settings, display a custom message on shop page and my-account page to guest users For Example:” Please login with your protected password provided by an admin” however when

Protected password store option is enabled from Wholesale > Settings, no products will display to guests users until the user gets logged in with a password

After a successful login using a password, guests user would be able to buy wholesale products, once the customer buy wholesale products or we can say

place an order from the Checkout page he/she automatically approved as a wholesaler customer.

To set up, follow the instructions. Account & Privacy settings should be set as per the below steps then set a protected password on wholesale roles.

Setting up account and privacy settings 

How-to-steps – set up account & privacy settings

  1. Go to WooCommerce > Settings
  2. Click on Account & Privacy tab
  3. In the Guest section Uncheck “ Allow customers to place orders without an account”
  4. In the Account, creation section check the “Allow customers to create an account during checkout” option
  5. Check the “When creating an account, automatically generate an account password” option

Steps to setup full-store access permissions & restrictions

How-to-steps – set up full-store access permissions & restrictions

  1. Go to Wholesale > Settings
  2. Go to the Login Restrictions tab
  3. Enable Restrict Full Store Access option
  4. Enter Message to display on shop & my-account page

  1. Go to Wholesale > User Roles
  2. Set a password or you can set a Generated password

**Note* After successful login with a protected password from the user side and place an order, concern wholesale role will assign to guests users.

Steps to set up password-protection for your store

How-to-steps – set up password-protection for your store

  1. Go to the my-account page
  2. Enter protected password

General login settings

Restrict price and store access for your users. If you are running a wholesale store only then these options are very helpful.

  • Hide Price: Enable this option to display prices to log in users only. Product prices will not be displayed to non-logged-in or guest users.
  • Login Link Label: Set your custom label for the login link generated if the hide price option is enabled.


  • Restrict Store Access: Enable this option to allow access to only approved wholesale users. Users whose request is pending will not be able to access the store. A custom message will be displayed for pending requests.
  • Custom Message: You can enter your custom message for Pending and Rejected Requests to display at the front-end.


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Private Store for WooCommerce

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