Columns types

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WooCommerce Product ID

  • Enter column name and width (in percentage or pixels). It is not necessary to enter column width.
  • Save Changes.

WooCommerce Product Title

  • Enter column name and width (in percentage or pixels). It is not necessary to enter column width.
  • Select whether to link the product title to the single product page or not.
  • Save changes.

WooCommerce Product SKU

  • Enter column name and width (in percentage or pixels). It is not necessary to enter column width.
  • Save Changes.

Short Description

  • Enter column name and width (in percentage or pixels). It is not necessary to enter column width.
  • Save Changes.

Product Description

  • Enter column name and width (in percentage or pixels). It is not necessary to enter column width.
  • Enter Description character length in numeric for e.g.. (10).
  • Save Changes.

Product Published Date

  • Enter column name and width (in percentage or pixels). It is not necessary to enter column width.
  • Select Date Format to display.
  • Save Changes.

Product Category

  • Enter column name and width (in percentage or pixels). It is not necessary to enter column width.
  • Save Changes.

Featured Image

  • Enter column name and width (in percentage or pixels). It is not necessary to enter column width.
  • Select whether to link the product title to the single product page or not.
  • Save changes.

Product Reviews

  • Enter column name and width (in percentage or pixels). It is not necessary to enter column width.
  • Save Changes.

Stock Status

  • Enter column name and width (in percentage or pixels). It is not necessary to enter column width.
  • Save Changes.

Product Weight

  • Enter column name and width (in percentage or pixels). It is not necessary to enter column width.
  • Save Changes.

Product Dimensions

  • Enter column name and width (in percentage or pixels). It is not necessary to enter column width.
  • Save Changes.

Product Pricing

  • Enter column name and width (in percentage or pixels). It is not necessary to enter column width.
  • Save Changes.

Display Add-to-cart Button

  • Enter column name and width (in percentage or pixels). It is not necessary to enter column width.
  • Select Add to cart button types (Simple add to cart button, Multiple select checkboxes & both options).

  • Select add to cart button position with multi checkbox option.

  • Select to show/hide quantity field. It is recommended to show the quantity field.
  • Save Changes

Product Attributes

  • Enter column name and width (in percentage or pixels). It is not necessary to enter column width.
  • Save Changes.

Custom Fields

  • Enter column name and width (in percentage or pixels). It is not necessary to enter column width.
  • Enter the Custom Field key if you have custom fields in WooCommerce Product.
  • Save Changes.

Product Taxonomy

  • Enter column name and width (in percentage or pixels). It is not necessary to enter column width.
  • Enter the Taxonomy ID.
  • Save Changes.

Product Tags

  • Enter column name and width (in percentage or pixels). It is not necessary to enter column width.
  • Save Changes.


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Columns types

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