Product Table Controls

Estimated reading: 1 minute 166 views
  • Enable/disable the number of product dropdown lists.
  • Show or hide the total number of products counted.
  • Show/hide pagination for multiple pages. Restrict users to a single page.

  • Select how to display the pagination option in the product table if you have multiple pages:
  • Page number only: Only numbers will be displayed for pagination like (1,2,3,4,5).
  • Previous & Next Button: – Two buttons will be displayed below the product table; there will be no page numbers.
  • Previous and Next buttons, plus page numbers: Display buttons and page numbers below the product table.
  • First, Previous, Next and Last buttons: Display four buttons first will take users to the very first page, and the last will take users to the last page of the product table.
  • First, Previous, Next and Last buttons, plus page numbers: Display all four buttons along with page numbers.
  • Plus page numbers, Plus page numbers, ‘First’ and ‘Last’ button: Display first and last page buttons with page number options.

  • Enter message text for no product found when searched.
  • Enable/display table content wrap option.
  • Adjust the scroll height of the product table when navigating between pages.

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Product Table Controls

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