Commission List

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Inside the Commission List:

  • Admin can view commission list/details.
  • Admin can edit commission list/details.

How to view the commission list?

  • Go to agents → Commission List. 
    1. Admin can search by agent name and filter by date [from to]
    2. Admin can export all commissions [export will be applied only if a search is applied]
    3. Agent Name 
    4. Order number 
    5. Order date
    6. Commission value 
    7. Order status 
  • Option to edit or delete

  • Click on the Export button (search applied) → Export CSV

How to change commission status?

On viewing commission details, the admin can change the status of any commission (Paid/Pending/Cancelled) using a drop-down menu. They can also view details, including:

  • Order number
  • Order date
  • Commission status: admin can change commission status for [pending, paid, canceled]

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Commission List

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