Sales Agents – Administrator View

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Create a new sales agent

  1. Go to the wp-admin menu → Agents → Add New
  2. Add the agent’s first and last name.
  3. Customer Registration (Yes/No). (Yes) The agent would be able to create a customer from the my-account page.
  4. Assign the sales agent role to any WordPress user.
  5. Assign commission category to your agent (define commission percentage for this agent),
  6. Click on the Create button.

List view of all agents

Admin can view a list of all agents, including details like:

  • Agent username.
  • Agent First/Last name
  • Customers related to this user
  • Commission category that is assigned to this agent.

Admin will be asked for confirmation if they want to delete a sales agent.

Admin can filter by commission category.

View customers related to sales agents

Admin can view a list of all customers related to sales agents (created by agents or assigned to them).

How do view customers related to sales agents?

  • Go to agents, → View Customers 
  • View all customers list by all details.

  •  Click on View customers.

View customer details

How to view customer details?

Admin can view all customers details, including:

  • Go to the customer list → View details.
    1. Admin can view all customer details.
    2. Admin can change sales agents.
    3. Admin can view all orders related to their customers with all details.
    4. Admin can search for the specific order.
  • Click on edit admin to view order details.

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